Teacher of Singers
I believe that every style of singing begins with a classical foundation. My classical background has allowed me to successfully sing many styles - including opera, oratorio, early and new music, musical theater, jazz, gospel, sacred music and folk. I can help you to have a free and easy voice and body in whatever music you love to sing.

"Rebecca has been a colleague of mine for over 10 years. I have personally benefited from her help as a vocal coach and have been in attendance as she has conducted several Master Classes. I am impressed with her keen ability to identify the most important areas of focus when working with singers. She has a broad-based knowledge regarding movement and posture as well as vocal literature and vocal technique."
Faye Muntz - Singing Voice Specialist, University of Utah Voice Disorders Clinic
"Rebecca Hample is one of the most inspired and inspiring teachers I have ever met. Rebecca helped me find my voice as a singer, teacher and public speaker. Her work transcends vocal production and coaching (although she’ll help you with that, for sure) to encompass the whole person: body, mind and spirit. She taught me to speak and sing from a deeper and more fully genuine place inside of myself that expresses who I truly am as a person, with less effort and less ego. I came away more fully confident in myself and my voice, more empowered to use my voice when and where I want to, and most especially, more able to reach and touch those same deeper places in the people who listen to me. "
Alan Fogel, PhD, Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and Teacher, Professor of Developmental Psychology, University of Utah
"Rebecca Hample offers a wealth of experience in beautifying the singing voice. She possesses unique skills to make singing effortless by improving vocal endurance, quality and style. Her teaching techniques are healthy and very effective."
Kristine Tanner, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Assistant Professor, Dpt. of Communication Disorders, Brigham Young University and Speech-Language Pathologist, Voice Disorders Center, The University of Utah